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Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Benefits of Coconut

We use coconut meat for many purpose : 

1. Coconut milk 
 Add water to shredded coconut meat, squeezed it then  strained it. How many water do we add ? it depends, if you want to have a thick coconut milk, use less water eg : coconut meat from 1 whole coconut + 4 cups of water.
People in Asia are using coconut milk for desert or main dishes 
2. Coconut cream 
Boil coconut milk in a saucepan, stir it frequently over a low heat for approximately 30 minutes. The thicker and richer portion on the top is coconut cream  
3. Fried shredded coconut
Many Asian using fried shredded coconut on top of the main dishes to add a savory flavor 
Fried the shredded coconut on a pan (without oil), stir it until yellow brown - add a dash of salt for taste, stir over medium to low heat.  
If you stir too long, you can make coconut oil, because the longer you stir it, the more oil will come out.
4. Coconut oil
It's been used for cooking, hair care, skin care, maintaining  cholesterol level, weight loss, etc.

How to store coconut meat :
Grated fresh coconut should be stored in the refrigerator, tightly covered, for up to a week and in the freezer for 6 months. 
Whole coconuts can be stored at room temperature for up to 6 months.

Young coconut has a green outer skin.
Young coconut meat is the most delicious, the meat is soft and delicate, add young coconut meat with  syrup and young coconut water, Voilà! you made a delicious tropical  drink :)

It's just an example, you can add grated ice / ice cube and condensed milk, fruits like granny apple, peach, pineapple, avocado, or other tropical fruits mixed with young coconut meat and young coconut water. 
Another benefit of young coconut water is : in case of emergency from snake bites, after we suck out the poison from the body, give the victim a lot of young coconut water to drink, then take him to the hospital.   

Health Benefits of Coconut Water :
  1. Coconut water can help you lose fat. For weight conscious people, this one is the most important health benefits of coconut water. Because it is very low in fat, you can drink as much as you can without worrying about ingesting  a lot of fattening agents, such as milk and the like it. It can also help you feel full thus, decreasing your craving for excessive foods.
  2. Coconut water can help prevent diabetes. As mentioned before, it is also very low in sugar, so you're actually preventing the onset of diabetes if you drink it. For diabetic patients, don't take too much coconut water, try a glass per week or don't drink it if you didn't need it
  3. Coconut water can aid digestion. It has more hydrating properties than average tap water so drink it can certainly help you digestion well. Thus, you'll be able to absorb food nutrients better and have easier bowel time when you drink it.
  4. Coconut water can help fight viruses. Flu and herpes are some of the sicknesses caused by different kinds of viruses that attack the body. Coconut water has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties that can help you steer clear from these diseases and more. Coconut water can help reduce vomiting in cases of typhoid.
  5. Coconut water can help revitalize your cells and boost your metabolism. It contains less sodium and more potassium than average energy or sports drink, that's why it is a highly recommendable substitute  for these expensive and artificial products. 

For Pregnant Woman :
  1. Strengthens immune system
  2. Rich in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties
  3. Can help in the prevention of HIV, herpes, flu, etc during pregnancy
  4. Can help pregnant woman in keeping away from constipation and heartburn
  5. Natural diuretic
  6. Coconut water allows the body for easy digestion, is free of chemicals and contains high amounts of electrolytes 
Discuss with your doctors about how much you allowed to drink the coconut water, even it has so many benefits, pregnant woman should take extra good care to her health  and the baby/fetus.

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