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Friday, January 17, 2014

Coffee to enjoy everyday

I love coffee and can't miss it every morning, I got a headache without it...
 but I can't afford Starbuck everyday...  so i decided to make my own coffee

As we know, there are many kinds of coffee, but the most popular are Arabica and Robusta. 
Robusta beans are cheaper and produce a bitter taste, but are typically higher in caffeine content. Coffees made with 100 percent Arabica are smoother and produce a much better cup of coffee

Buy only freshly roasted coffee. when buying coffee in the supermarket, check the bottom of the bag for the date the coffee was roasted, or at least a freshness date.
Stay away from bins where the beans are splintered or broken. Good beans look and smell appetizing
Store coffee beans and ground coffee in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. If you won't use the beans within a week, or ground coffee within a few days, keep the coffee in the freezer.

The darker the roast, the stronger the coffee but The longer beans are roasted, the darker they get and the more oils they produce. The caffeine content is released with the oil.

Use a medium roast bean for espresso drinks. Use the darker roasts, such as Italian or French, for pressed coffee drinks. 

Buy a good grinder to grind the coffee beans and a french coffee press (coffee pot)

 one tablespoon of grounds = 1 cup of coffee
The perfect temperature for French press coffee is from 195-200 degrees Fahrenheit
wait for 5 minutes then pouring it into your favorite coffee cup. 

add cream and sugar as you like :) Enjoy ! 

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