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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tea Party

Today I'll review about drinking tea tradition, tea benefits, tea & cakes pairing, tea party decoration. Invite your friends over and enjoy a little chit chat while drinking tea. Have fun ! :)

Started by the wife of the Duke of Bedford, afternoon tea was an intricate social event in old-time England. About 4 or 5 o'clock was the time of afternoon tea in 19th-century Britain. Invite others for tea and socializing if you wish to recreate such a traditional afternoon tea.

The focus of the decorating should be on your tables, with the room accentuating without overpowering them.  You want your guests to be comfortable and relaxed so that they enjoy the tea party.

Your table should have a centerpiece made from fresh flowers or small plants that are low enough so that they do not block people from seeing each other.  Use a table cloth on each table and provide each guest with a cloth napkin.  Now, you are wondering where you are going to get everything to match—well, you can mix and match your linens and tea sets to create a unique and stylish setting all your own.

Want to add a special ambience to your tea party?  Use candles.While some people stare at candles to put themselves in a meditative state, your goal is simply to use candles to create a calm setting. The glow is relaxing and the flame itself is mesmerizing. 

 most Black Teas (with or without milk and sugar) pair very well with pastries.

Green tea may lower blood low-density lipoprotein and total cholesterol levels. Sipping tea helps you slow down and relax. An amino acid called theanine found in green tea can provide a calming effect.

Tea cakes are tiny bites of cake served with afternoon tea. These cakes might be bite-sized cubes cut from a larger cake or individually baked cakes in tiny molds. The flavorings of the tea cakes vary, trending toward mild flavors such as vanilla or lemon. These flavors keep the cake from overpowering the tea. Typically, tea cakes have a dense texture that does not fall apart when the cake is picked up and eaten with the fingers.

Whether you decide to enjoy the simple flavor of tea and fruit together or to pair fresh fruit with honey, cheese or other foods for a more elaborate brunch, tea and fruit are a great food-drink pairing.

The health effects of tea have been examined ever since the first infusions of Camellia Sinensis about 4700 years ago in China. The legendary emperor Shen Nong claimed in The Divine Farmer's Herb-Root Classic that Camellia sinensis infusions were useful for treating conditions including tumors, abscesses, bladder ailments, and lethargy.

Small cakes are ideal for serving one or two people for dessert. Children also love small cakes, which are just the right size for their tiny appetites.

A garden tea party is a charming way to socialize with friends while adding a sense of nostalgia and elegance. Mid morning or late afternoon/early evening would be the best choices to avoid the afternoon sun and heat.

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