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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How to have a beautiful hair

Hair is a woman's crown 
It's true tho, aside from a woman's face, her hair is the most visible part of her body. The most beautiful hair is a healthy hair. No matter what your hairstyle is, the healthy hair will bring out the best in you.
For us women, we take a great care for our skin, we're using cosmetics everyday to keep our skin shiny and smooth, what do we do with our hair ? it seems unfair if we just took care of it with shampoo and conditioner, no matter how expensive it is. Expensive shampoo and conditioner won't always good for our hair, true it added vitamins & essential oils to keep our hair moisturized but did it work long enough as we need, or only 24 hrs or less and the magic is gone ? I have tried many brands, from cheap ones to the expensive ones and the results were almost the same   So.. is it hard to have a healthy hair ? of course not, the secret is not on your shampoo or conditioner.
Try this ritual before shampooing :

  1.  prepare oils - we can use Coconut oils or Olive oils. Oils are good to replenish a damaged hair 
  2.  use a spray bottle with warm water in it to wet your hair 
  3.  rub gently your damp hair with oils (1 tablespoon) from root to tip, take extra 5 minutes to massage your scalp 
  4. cover your hair with warm towel and leave it for 2 hrs, then wash it 
  5. wash thoroughly using shampoo until all the oils gone, then use conditioner as usual.

To prevent a hair loss, do not dry your hair with hair dryer, instead cover your hair with towel for 5-10 minutes until no more water drops from your hair then air dry it. For women with a thick hair, pat your bush gently with soft towel,  don't rub it because a damp hair after shower is the most delicate and easily broken.
Choose a wide-tooth comb to comb your hair when it's wet. Comb your hair by starting at the ends to gently works any tangles or knots so they are smooth. If you try to comb your hair from the roots to the ends, you could get caught on messy tangles and break the hair. Once a section has been properly worked and smoothed, move up higher and higher until your hair has been combed neatly.
Easiest way to air dry your hair is to go outside for a walk :)
I had a damaged hair before, but now I have a smooth and healthy hair in just 3 weeks after doing that ritual.

It's also good to give a hair mask once a month, our hair needs some nutrients too. Here are combinations you can use to make your own hair mask :
1) Egg Yolk and coconut/olive oil
Egg yolk has been used for a long time, it contains keratin that good for hair growth
add 1 egg yolk to 1 tbs coconut/olive oil, allow to remain on your hair for 1 hr or longer, after that remove the towel and shower cap, rinse well with warm water and shampoo as usual.
Don't be surprise when using egg yolk to your hair, it will dry and hardened quickly, apply it around the root
2) Avocado and olive oil
Avocado contains minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids that can replenish your damaged hair.
add 1 avocado ( a half of avocado for short hair) to 2 tbs olive oils. Apply it from the root to the tips, cover your hair with towel and shower cap, allow to remain on your hair for 1 hr or longer before shampooing.

3) Orange juice and honey - for adding a shine to your hair. 2 oranges, juice it add 1 tbs honey
4) Beer and water - for adding a volume for your hair. 2/3 beers + 1/3 water

I hope the tips above can help you to have a beautiful and healthy hair, it's cheap and easy, all we need are effort and patience. Feel free to give a comment, good luck :)

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